Obviously, health is a major factor in the way we approach recovery. And that carries way beyond the treatment process. Our hope is that people who graduate from a program continue to maintain a well balanced lifestyle, filled with exercise and a proper diet. Interestingly, one advocate recently made headlines on Yahoo News for his successful adoption of veganism after conquering an alcohol dependency. The vegan life, as we all should know, takes things a little more extreme than typical vegetarianism. Here not only meat is excluded, but also eggs, dairy products and any animal-derived substances. But it can truly cleanse the system and, as advocate Aaron Calder noted in the Yahoo News piece, improve liver functions after severe alcoholism. Calder explained that he learned about his cirrhosis issues the hard way, leading to swift action. “A fibroscan measuring the inflammation of my liver came in at 75 - the worst possible result,” Calder told Yahoo News. “But just months after adopting the vegan diet, my score had dropped by almost a half to 39 and my liver appeared to be functioning normally. I couldn’t believe it, and neither could my doctor.” Calder openly shared his addiction journey with the site, chronicling a harrowing experience. His drinking issues began during high school and soon evolved in binging and constant boozing at home. One night, seven years ago, he began vomiting blood after years of abuse led to an intense liver reaction. Aaron's veins became clogged and he ultimately contracted a kidney infection, gout and severe cirrhosis. Calder survived his emergency room experience and immediately quit alcohol. But his liver inflammation scores continued to enter dangerous ranges from the damage done in the past. Interestingly, it was a vegan documentary that led to his drastic turnaround. Watching the film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead influenced Calder to adopt the vegan lifestyle. Soon afterwards, doctors told him some very encouraging news. "Just months after adopting a plant-based diet and switching to wholemeal ingredients, I returned to the hospital for another liver scan," Calder added. “The results alone showed that my liver was functioning normally. My cholesterol and blood pressure were perfect too.” While science hasn't definitely proved the power of veganism and recovery, we certainly support any and all alumni willing to adopt this lifestyle. Because, as mentioned before, good clean health is a lifelong mission.
Green vegan breakfast meal in bowl with spinach, arugula, avocado, seeds and sprouts. Girl in leggins holding plate with hands visible, top view. Clean eating, dieting, vegan food concept