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Understanding Alcohol-Related Brain Damage

Recently, Yahoo News covered an important topic that chronic drinkers (and their loved ones) should be aware of. It concerns alcohol-related brain damage (also known as ARBD). Not always called out, this is a very real condition that can lead to permanent memory impairment, cognitive issues and behavioral changes.


The article starts out by correctly stating just how serious alcoholism has become since the start of COVID-19 and the quarantine orders. As we’ve mentioned before in our blogs, booze sales rose by a staggering 31 percent at the start of the lockdown. Since then, though, it is being reported that an additional 21 percent of all people are drinking more now than before. The article also calls out how this behavior has even overtaken social media, with hashtags like #Quarantini and #FurloughMerlot trending throughout the country.


So, that brings us back to the damage that all of this may be causing. It has been proven that constant drinking causes damage to the brain. It is also believed that people are more at risk of developing ARBD if they consume “harmful quantities” of alcohol at any given time. The article goes on to define this as four bottles of wine per week for women and six bottle of wine per week for men.


If you were to continue at that rate for an extended amount of time, ARBD would most certainly begin to show itself. Apparently this condition begins with rather mild symptoms, but then can quickly progress. Early warning indicators of the issue can include challenges retaining new memories and difficulties with decision making. Impulsive behavior is also a telltale sign.


Men are apparently more likely to develop ARBD and a common age for it to occur is around 55. It is also worth noting that the condition can rear its head as early age 30.


Interestingly, it is believed that ARBD and dementia are linked; meaning symptoms can overlap. In fact, research revealed by Yahoo News claims that 24 percent of all dementia cases are tied to ARBD.


The possible silver lining in all of this is that, according to studies, many people can recover from ARBD (though not fully). It is believed that staying away from alcohol for at least three months can cause regression of the symptoms.


But the bottom line is, why even put yourself at any type of risk for this condition? We believe in steering clear of ARBD at any cost and are more than happy to help people do so.