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Regulating ‘Alcoholic Consumables’

It is worth noting that alcoholism can be fueled by actions that go far beyond drinking. “Consumables” are a prime example of this, as they can easily intoxicate you and further your addiction without you ever consuming a beverage. These can include alcoholic ice cream flavors, candies, gelatins and much more. Though it may sound minor to some, state lawmakers in North Carolina are taking consumables quite seriously and looking to regulate these types of products.


Obviously there are many reasons why these types of consumables may be harmful. For one thing, they can easily get into the hands of children; leading to drunkenness and severe intoxication. They also can be dangerous for alcoholics or recovering alcoholics, for that matter. Catching a buzz off of a snack could lead towards a slippery slope of addictive behavior.


North Carolina representative Pat Hurley has been a champion of these types of regulations, helping to pass Bill 11 through the local Alcoholic Beverages Committee last week. His efforts aim to put age restrictions and specific disclaimers on alcoholic items like ice cream, popsicles and gelatin.


Truth be told, these types of products are much more common than you may think. Haagen Dazs, for example, sells a very popular flavor called Bourbon Vanilla Bean. Believe it or not, a pint of that ice cream carries as much as 5 percent alcohol (which can certainly deliver a buzz when consumed in large quantities).


This is a big reason why Representative Hurley is spearheading the movement. “One of my colleagues came in last year and said ‘would you believe they have alcohol in ice cream now?'” he told local news outlet WNCT.  “And supposedly it’s in little boxes anywhere in the grocery stores. Anybody can get it, so there was no regulation and of course, we worry about young people.”


Interestingly, there are other companies loading their consumable products with even higher quantities of booze. The food brand Proof, for example, specializes in these types of flavors and markets their own special ice creams with as much as 10 percent alcohol.


And let’s not forget about the big “edibles” boom that is happening with marijuana products. Those too can deliver concentrated highs via candies like gummy bears and chocolates (which open the door to a whole other level of intoxication dangers).


So far, Bill 11 is getting a lot of support on the local level as well. WNCT made a point to interview local residents about the initiative; all of whom share similar concerns.


“I think they should put more regulations on a lot of foods, cause no one reads the back on anything,” an anonymous grocery shopper told reporters. “But I have kids too and I don’t think that’s right. I wouldn’t buy it.”